This is an AU, originally written in response to an LJ fic_requests suggestion for an AU story set in a fantasy world, in which Lance becomes Chris's squire. The LJ fanfic_100 prompts sparked the first sequel, and then I found more stories wanted to flow. Stories should be read in the following order. This is not, however, a long story in chapters: I describe it as an 'episodic', and the time that elapses between the episodes varies quite a lot. One day, I may attempt an explanatory timeline.
For anyone who might be interested in an alternative way of accessing these stories, the first eleven are available as podfics which can be downloaded from the story pages..
It Isn't Part of the Oath - first meeting, at a desperate moment
Brown - sequel to It Isn't Part of the Oath. The squire is learning.
Lewd Songs and Laughter - a little further down the road, they call in for a visit
Nasty Cold White Stuff - on the road, and Lancyn discovers the difference between a southern and a northern winter
Ribbons - celebrating the Midwinter feast in style
Food - a quest for justice
Tricksy - more justice to be administered, this time with help; immediate sequel to Food
First Blood - a quest goes wrong. Some time has elapsed since the events of Tricksy
When Someone Needs You - there's a gang of pickpockets in town, and something must be done. Late Autumn, the same year as First Blood
Trials in which there is fighting of the fun kind, and various people become Elite. Spring.
no more as yet, though there is more to come